Scuba Duba Dive Case Study

Scuba Duba Dive have always been ahead of the game when it comes to technology. Scuba Duba Dive prides itself on being “run by divers, for divers”. Combining expert training with diving locations all over the world, from Malta to Thailand. Founder Mungo Finlayson tried and tested multiple online booking systems before deciding to stick with BookingLive. The company’s website, is on its third version, so it’s safe to say Mungo has had a lot of experience with websites and booking systems. “I started with the Lite package to trial and get used to the system. I liked it the most out of the other systems, particularly because of the website and CMS integration. BookingLive is more up-to-date than other systems out there and comes with great integrations.”

Project overview

Industry - Private Sector

Diving training with locations worldwide

System Requirements

Cloud-based system that could be accessed from multiple locations

System Performance

BookingLive has enabled Scuba Duba Dive to generate more sales

Challenges and Needs

  • Scuba Duba Dive needed a cloud-hosted booking system which could be accessed from multiple locations
  • Before BookingLive, they had a custom-made booking system which was expensive and not as powerful
  • Although their original booking system was made for the business, it wasn’t very customisable and maintaining it took up a lot of time and effort.

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4 Step Process for Booking System Implementation


  • BookingLive incorporated a mobile-friendly platform without having to incorporate another CSS design
  • Scuba Duba Dive are able to track payments for large groups who’ve booked on to a course all in one place
  • They have a compatible system that they can log into via mobile and tablet devices
  • BookingLive offers expert SEO services to help Scuba Duba Dive get more website traffic.

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Conclusion to Challenges

  • Both admin users and customers are provided with a mobile-friendly booking experience which is easy to navigate and use
  • The whole booking process is very user friendly that also looks good
  • Scuba Duba Dive is now far higher up on Google searches and they are receiving much more website traffic
  • BookingLive has enabled Scuba Duba Dive to generate more sales.

Next Steps

We are on a mission to improve the way organisations interacts with their users. Contact us today to see a live demonstration and to discuss your requirements further.